IPL Skin rejuvenation

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IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light and is a technology used to perform various skin treatments such as photo rejuvenation.

The hand held, computer-controlled flashgun delivers broad spectrum pulse of light and with the cut off filters that are carefully selected by the technician targets a specific structure and chromophores (colours such as brown from pigment and red from the blood). The light is absorbed by these chromophores, which create heat, and in return the body will go through healing process where the fibroblasts are stimulated to produce collagen and elastin.

The destructed sunspots will turn darker, forms crust as it disintegrates and fall off revealing healthy new skin.

IPL delivers fast and effective treatment for the following skin conditions:

  • Photodamage
  • Sundamage skins
  • Pigmentation
  • Rosacea
  • Couperose red skins
  • Acne
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Poikiloderma of Civatte

During your IPL consultation we will discuss the frequency and sessions required specifically to target your skin condition. Generally one needs anywhere from 2-6 sessions depending on the severity and the history of the skin condition.

Per session $250
Packages available